

The lJCAl-2019 Eldercare Robot challenges

With the arrival of a global aging society, eldercare shows the general trend of demand greater than supply. The olderadults are expected to enjoy a better quality of life through robot services. For example in the place where supervisingtaking medicine, a robot which can accompany the older adults warmly like a nurse is far more effective than an alarmclock. When the older adult encounters a dangerous situation such as falling down, timely warning by a robot cansignificantly reduce the risk of accidents. In fact, the abilities to moving, perceiving and serving forwardly ofers a first.rate experience that no other solution can replace. Although there are more and more useful technologies of roboticdeveloped in recent years, there is no mature and stable application in eldercare that can be truly industrialized.

The luCAl-2019 Eldercare Robot Challenges aim at promotina the industrialization of eldercare robots in the futureand speeding up product-level applications through this competition. We hope to see from the competition someconcrete solutions and outcomes in real-world applications in near future.

Our competition this vear focuses on vision-related tasks in home scenarios where the older adults live alone andheartwarming services are welcomed by them. The main technologies involved are people tracking, activityidentification, pose detection, object detection, navigation, human-robot interaction and so on.

The competition include two challenges: the Robot Task Challenge and the Elderly-Care Robot Design Challenge. Ateam can choose one or both to participate in.

In the Robot Task Challenge, there are three tests including medicine-taking reminder, daily service and searching formissing objects. Specifically:

. Medicine-taking reminder: The robot is expected to provide the older adult with heartwarming and attentivereminders to take medicine on time as well as not take wrong medicine or take too much.

. Daily service: The robot is expected to follow the older adult during the daily life and send alarm signals when anemergency occurs and take photos to record what the older adult is doing.

Searching for missing objects: The robot is expected to follow the older adult, observe the older adult's movementsand remember the new positions of the objects with its extraordinary memory. When the older adult asks forsomething, the robot is supposed to offer help.

In the Elderly-Care Robot Design Challenge, a team is expected to submit a report on their design of solution to theelderly-care by robots in domestic environments, while detailed implementation of the proposed solution is notrequired. The evaluation criteria include practicability, novelty, and general applicability of the desian.


1.the Robot Task Challenge Competition : 13-16 August 2019

2.Deadline for submitting designing report of the Elderly-Care Robot Design Challenge : Aug 1, 2019


The IJCAI-2019 Eldercare Robot Challenges Schedule




Competition Item


August 12


Free debugging for team setup

Check in


August 13


09:00  ~  12:00

Each team is free to debug


10:00  ~  12:00

Meeting of team leaders and referees

All teams are required to participate


12:00  ~  16:00

Time-sharing debugging

The debugging sequence is determined by draw lots

16:00  ~  18:00

Free debugging



18:00  ~

Free debugging

Depending on the availability of venue

August 14


09:00  ~  12:00

Opening Ceremony

Daily Service Difficulty I test

Each team will take part in the competition according to the order of draw


13:00  ~  14:00

Daily Service Difficulty II test

Top 5 entries

14:00  ~  15:00

Daily Service Difficulty III test

Top 3 entries

15:00  ~  15:30

Daily Service Difficulty IV test

Top 2 entries

15:30  ~  16:00 

Group photo

All to attend

16:00  ~  18:00

Free debugging



18:00  ~ 

Free debugging

Depending on the availability of venue

August 15


09:00  ~  12:00

Expert Talks and Poster

Session A

All are required

to attend


13:00  ~  14:30

Medicine-taking Reminder

Difficulty I test

All to attend

15:00  ~  16:00

Medicine-taking Reminder

Difficulty II test

Top 5 entries

16:00  ~  17:00

Medicine-taking Reminder

Difficulty III test

Top 3 entries


17:00  ~  17:30

Medicine-taking Reminder

Difficulty IV test

Top 2 entries


18:00  ~ 

Free debugging

Depending on the opening of venues

August 16


09:00  ~  10:00

Searching for Missing Objects

Difficulty I test

All to attend

10:00  ~  11:00

Searching for Missing Objects

Difficulty II test

Top 5 entries

11:00  ~  12:00

Searching for Missing Objects

Difficulty III&IV test


13:00  ~  16:00

Expert Talks and Poster

Session B

All are required

to attend

16:00  ~  17:00

Award and Closing Ceremony

All are required

to attend
