

In the Eldercare Robot Design Challenge, a team is expected to submit a report on their design of solution to the eldercare by robots in domestic environ- ments, while detailed implementation of the proposed solution is not required. Participants are encouraged to put forth novel ideas about eldercare by robot in their work.

1、 Submission

A design report is required to be no more than 6 pages. No specific format is assumed. A design report is expected to include a proposed scenario of eldercare as well as some services provided by a robot. Technologies for realizing these services may be described in the report. But the description is not a necessary part of a design. A report should include the designer names, affliations, coun- tries/areas and emails. Any design report should be submitted through email to by Aug. 1, 2019.

2、 Evaluation for Awards

The evaluation criteria include:

• practicability: The scenario should be practical for eldercare;

• novelty: The design should be novel, that is, substantially different from those that have occurred in previous competitions or designs of eldercare services;

• general applicability: The proposed scenario and services should be applicable to common contexts of eldercare, not rare ones.

The evaluation of all submissions will be made by an award committee for this challenge. The committee will decide the awards before the end of the com- petition and announce the winners at the awards ceremony of the competition.

3、 Important dates

Aug. 1, 2019 —— Deadline for submitting designing report of the El- dercare Robot Design Challenge

Aug. 16, 2019 —— Announcement of winners

4、Award Setting

• 1 Best Creative Award

• 1 Best Applicability Award

• 1 Most Potential Award

• 1 Excellent Design Work

• 1 Integrated Design Award
