• 服务机器人应对变化:理解、学习、规划与行动
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  •      服务机器人应该能够在变化的环境中正常工作。用户可能修改、更新或补充他们的服务请求,也可能要求一台机器人完成它不具备充分知识的任务,这涉及机器人知识的扩充。物理环境通常也处于不断的变化之中。因此,服务机器人需要有能力应对用户愿望、知识和环境三方面的变化。这个视频反映了对反映了对“可佳”机器人的一个测试,其中的场景同时出现这三种变化。
    Allen: I would like a drink.
    Bill: I want a drink, different from Allen's.
    Claude: I would like some popcorn. Please heat it up with the microwave oven.
    KeJia: I don't know how to use the microwave oven. Could you please tell me?
    Claude: Please check the manual.
    KeJia: ...Ok, got it.
    Unknown: What will you serve us?
    KeJia: I'll give Allen some black tea, Bill some milk and Claude some heated popcorn.
    Unknown: I don't want the black tea. I would like some milk. Now I would sit by Bill waiting for my drink.
    KeJia: Now I have an updated plan. I will give you some milk.

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